A walk through life!

"Walking for air. Walking to see." - Leonard Mead

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Conversation

               Today was a very fun day. I had a very exciting walk. Usually I don’t really see anyone or run into anyone to talk to or interact with. Today was not much different until I came to a curve in the street. I weight there and looked around just to enjoy the ambiance. Then someone came up to me and said “Hello”. We had a very nice conversation about the weather and other things that were pleasant and easy conversation. He asked me for directions because his vehicle had broken down and he needed to find a public phone. These are very rare because there are almost no pedestrians these days. I happen to know where one of these rare phones was and I directed him to it.  On the way home I wondered what the world would be like if there were more people outside walking and enjoying the things I enjoy every day.  I could hardly imagine how even more fun and exciting my walks would be if I had conversations with people along the way. I do like the solitary part of my walks and I think they are fun even if I don’t have any conversations but I interacting with people can be a magical thing.

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